Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 3

Hello All!
Today was a very eventful day! We completed 8 surgeries! The patients look so great!
For my Pre-K kids back at school THANK YOU for all the messages! I miss you guys! Here are some answers to your questions... I have not seen very many animals because I spend most of my time at the hospital. The animals I have seen have been chickens and baby chicks on the sidewalks and streets of ACCRA. The mosquitos are very bad. I have to take malaria medication because the mosquitos here carry this disease and it is easy to catch if you are bitten. I did go eat dinner at the beach tonight! It reminded me of our beach back home but it was a bit bigger and there were restaurants right on the beach!
The kids I work with range from a few months old up to adult ages. I am having fun with them all! We blew bubbles today and blew up baloons! We had lots of fun!
I miss everyone!!!! Thank you for all of your support! Love to all! AMBER

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! So proud of you! Keep up the good work Amber! We miss you lots!
    Holle and Matt
